



I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the excellent quality of work done by your staff. Without worry, I know that I will have a clean home to come home to after you are finished. .it isn't often that you can have a service provider perform the tasks you hired them for and have the job done well. I highly recommend Extreme Scrubb as it is just what you need when you need it.




We strongly feel that the cleanliness in our store has a strong effect on our productivity, and we can thank Extreme Scrubb for helping to make our business so successful. They routinely clean our shop, and set us up on floor maintenance schedule that keeps our tile shining like new all year round. I have recommended Extreme Scrubb to all my friends for their commercial, office and industrial cleaning needs. This company is amazing.


Business Development Manager


I was initially hesitant to call Extreme Scrubb because I knew that my office space was so much smaller than many of the other businesses that they cleaned in the area, but I realized that I was spending so much time cleaning that I could have spent working. I called, and I wish I would have had called sooner. They were able to set me up on a routine cleaning schedule that met my needs and my budget. Now I can focus on my job, and leave the cleaning to the professionals.